SMF lends to business entities, and also personally for business purposes, with non-Consumer Credit Code loans. All of the Fund’s loans are secured, either by registered first or second mortgages or by other forms of security. All loans must be used for commercial and business purposes only and may not be used for consumer purposes. For full Lending Guidelines please refer to the Information Memorandum for details for arrears and default enforcement.
For more information on Loans through Sydney Metro Fund, please download our fact sheet.
The Sydney Metro Fund has been developed with a specific investor in mind. This investor has the following characteristics:
Wholesale investor or Professional Investor as per s.7 of the Corporations Act
Self-directed investor – eg. SMSF, self-funded retiree, business owner
Minimum of $200,000 to invest
Focused on predictable income eg. fixed-interest
Expectation of higher yields than retail ‘deposit’ or ‘fixed-interest’ product
Patient capital with medium-term horizon